
I now have an unbelievably time absorbing life stealing addiction in this new hyped-up website Twitter... some people get it, some don't but personally I am addicted and it is quite difficult to see why I guess...

For those of you who live under rocks in small sheds across the world, "Twittering" is basically micro-blogging where you write your opinions, moods, activities and whatever else it is you feel like in a sentence under 140 characters and your "followers" can read what you're up to. I personally don't get up to a lot, and so (as you can see in the right hand column) my Tweets are generally pretty dull, possibly partially because instead of going out and living a life which would be worth twittering about I am in fact at home on my computer twittering... it's a vicious circle. What I personally love about it is the way I can follow celebrities, I have a strange love of celebrity culture, but not celebrities sake I love Stephen Fry (@stephenfry), Jimmy Carr (@jimmycarr), Jonathan Ross (@wossy), Phil Jupitus (@JupitusPhilip), Eddie Izzard (@eddieizzard), Dave Gorman (@Dave_Gorman) [To name but a few] all of whom I can follow on Twitter and find out what they are up to! It's amazing I love it.

I can completely understand why some people "Just don't get it" but for me it's charming simplicity is truly wonderful and I have great fun refreshing repeatedly to find out what the people I most admire are up to. Basically it's the acceptable face of stalking....

Give it a try, you might not like it,you might find it "lame" but I strongly recommend at least giving it a go. What have you go to lose?

P.S. I also recommend if you do use it to follow celebrities as it will inform you as to who is real and who is a dirty imposter