Top Cocks and She-Cocks of advertising

Having watched copious amounts of Charlie Brooker, I've been thinking... what would my top cocks and she-cocks of advertising be...?

That bitch of the Blistex Advert "This is the first science lesson you've really paid attention to" Bollocks.

Everyone on the Microsoft "i'm a PC advert" apparantly a PC is an annoying self obsessed weirdo. It’s seems to be a weird mix of the Big Brother Audition queue, Spartacus and an IT support team.

The annoyingly happy couple off the advert

The Clean and Clear girls

The smug woman Stalked by the giant muffin in the special K ad

Women at Jumble sale in take a break advert

The people on the advert, especially the guy that can't work the camera

J x