Skins... what a load of wank

I've just watched the long awaited first episode of Skins series three and I must say I was more than unimpressed.The first and second series were filled with faults, the scripts were shakey, the stories were filled with nonsense that were pretty far from reality however it was enjoyable.

The acting in the first two series wasn't bad, and although the second series did admittedly lose it I did like it.This new series is however awful. The acting is poor and the writing is terrible; when watching it it feels like it is more the first draft than a script ready for production. Although skins has always made the attempt to show adolescent rebellion in an over-exagerrated way however this really does take the biscuit.It begins with a young lad skateboarding through Bristol like some strange tribute to The Simpsons which for me didn't work; while on his skateboarding rampage he knocks over a policeman, on a push-bike, eating an ice cream, in a poor attempt to show the way the character clearly has no respect for authority. It just felt that this was being forced into the audience's face in an unsubtle and clumsy way; I actually felt they were insulting my intelligence.

The whole episode was just filled with one dimensional stereotyped characters that didn’t seem to intrigue me at all. Although I probably will be watching the rest of the series it will merely be as a way to depress me in the masochism that I thrive on, and additionally so I can learn how not to write and how not to act. Maybe it’s broken it’s ground and has sunk into a pit along with a large amount of British TV, maybe I’ve grown out of it whatever the reason, it felt dull, unfinished and unoriginal.

J x